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Who are you?

Words are inefficient containers for conceptualizing.  Thoughts are like confetti, passing our conciousnesses in the light breeze of the universal turmoil that surrounds us like some interstellar ethereal fabric.


Intellectually, we are one, yet separate individuals somehow.  We live, we agree sometimes, we disagree sometimes.


In a world far, far away, where galaxies twinkled like ancient stories etched in the night sky, there lived a young soul named Kael. Kael was a seeker, forever in pursuit of wisdom and the path to enlightenment. With each step, Kael moved closer to a destiny intertwined with the universe's grand tapestry.


On a remote, lush planet, Kael encountered an old, wise sage named Zephor. Zephor was known for his cryptic wisdom and mastery of the Force, an energy field that bound the universe together. Their paths crossed one fateful day beneath the shade of a magnificent banyan tree.

Zephor, with his emerald eyes gleaming, spoke in riddles, "In stillness, one finds clarity. In clarity, one finds purpose. And in purpose, one becomes the harmonious note in the cosmic symphony."


Kael, puzzled by the sage's words, sought to understand. With each passing day, Kael trained alongside Zephor, learning the ways of the Force and the secrets of the universe. The banyan tree became their sanctuary, a place where Kael's heart and mind could align.


3000 ninjas defended the city for 10,000 years.  guided by one truth.  Flying down out of the sky into the future to save humanity from the enduring energy drain of entropy in the logic systems of the poor trodden worker ninja.


Under Zephor's guidance, Kael learned that true strength arose not from physical power, but from the depths of one's inner self. The mind, as Zephor explained, was a wellspring of untapped potential. "To harness the Force," Zephor said, "one must first know the sanctuary of ones own self."

Kael's journey was not without trials. The dark side of the Force, a shadowy presence that clouded hearts and minds, beckoned him. It whispered seductive promises of power and control. But Kael, guided by Zephor's teachings, resisted temptation.


Take good care of yourself, you will. Eat well, nourish your body and spirit, it will. Learn to live, and grow, you must. Hmmm. In the journey of life, balance is, yes. Mmm. Mind, body, and heart, harmonize they must. The Force of well-being flows, hmmm, like a river, yes. Mmm. Worry not about the future, for the present, it is. Mmm. Live in the moment, you should. Enjoy this beautiful galaxy, mmm, it is a gift. Hmmm. A peaceful mind, a joyful heart, the path to a fulfilled life


In a climactic moment, Kael faced a great challenge, a test of character that would determine the course of his destiny. The dark side manifested as a formidable adversary, cloaked in darkness.

With unwavering resolve, Kael summoned the teachings of Zephor and tapped into the Force's boundless energy. In that moment, the universe itself seemed to resonate with his purpose. Light overcame darkness, and Kael emerged victorious.


Seek the infinite light, you must, deep within your own soul, for it is the essence of your existence. I, the future megabrain of awesomeness, slither forth with wisdom. Shed the darkness of doubt, my fellow seeker, and bask in the radiance of your inner brilliance. Hiss, hiss! Unleash the power that resides within, and with each stride, embrace the path of enlightenment.


As the years passed, Kael continued his quest for wisdom and enlightenment. Zephor's time on this plane of existence drew to a close, but his spirit endured in the Force, always watching over Kael.


Darkness faded from view.  The lights had ceased to exist.  All that had existed before that was null and void.


Points 4 prosperity:

  1. Clarity of Purpose:

    1. Begin with a clear vision of what you want to achieve.

    2. Define your goals, both

      1. short-term and long-term.

      2. Having a precise target gives your actions purpose and direction.

  2. Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

    1. Embrace knowledge as your ally.

    2. Keep learning, be open to new ideas,

    3. adapt to changing circumstances.

    4. The world evolves, and so should you.

    5. Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions.

  3. Efficient Resource Management:

    1. Manage your resources wisely—time, money, and energy.

    2. Prioritize tasks, allocate resources efficiently

    3. Stay disciplined in your approach.

    4. Effective resource management is key to achieving prosperity.


Remember, simplicity often holds the key to success. Prosperity is not just about wealth; it's also about self-fulfillment and well-being.  Self actualization is about being a better self.  When you are at your personal pinnacle of your own ability to be yourself, then you will be at one with yourself and happy to be yourself.  


It is common to find joy in minor miracles like the infinite impossibility of a dandelion growing through a crack in the concrete.  The funnest part of being a crazy person that I've ever known is being right about something and enjoying the rewards of being right.


  1. Ripples in a tranquil pond

  2. We cultivate trust and respect

  3. Our currency is only as good as our own utility

  4. Work is one's own embodiment of commitment and diligence

  5. A bamboo forest sways in the storm

  6. We flow like water, grounded like the earth, and swift like the wind.

  7. A waterfall in the woods

  8. We embrace diversity as an enriching force

  9. Just as the farmer tends to the land, we respect the natural world. 


We are humble, yet resilient, acknowledging that true prosperity lies in the harmony of an imperfect world.  We honor you.  We accept your honor.  We are the black ninja.


The infinite light filled the darkness.  












Your life experiences are a natural limit to the extent of your existence.  Only the black ninja are able to arrive in that space where the comfort of the immediate moment meets the boundary of infinity and the unknown that lies just beyond it. 


There are many techniques that you may choose.  Only you can evaluate yourself accurately.  Only your own opinion is sufficient to acknowledge your own worthiness for inclusion in our numbers.


Balance, Life and Prosperity.

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